all postcodes in DA14 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA14 5BJ 7 0 51.415356 0.127954
DA14 5BL 9 6 51.414804 0.123197
DA14 5BN 2 2 51.412563 0.12282
DA14 5BP 15 1 51.424362 0.115844
DA14 5BQ 1 1 51.411383 0.132832
DA14 5BS 10 0 51.419163 0.118408
DA14 5BT 15 1 51.419645 0.119107
DA14 5BU 3 2 51.419389 0.119339
DA14 5BX 9 0 51.418924 0.11867
DA14 5BY 7 1 51.417517 0.116434
DA14 5BZ 15 2 51.417336 0.116972
DA14 5DA 1 1 51.418448 0.118159
DA14 5DD 57 1 51.417883 0.11507
DA14 5DE 18 0 51.417063 0.115636
DA14 5DF 1 1 51.415995 0.118003
DA14 5DH 10 0 51.416251 0.114822
DA14 5DJ 6 0 51.415276 0.114532
DA14 5DL 18 1 51.41493 0.113769
DA14 5DN 3 0 51.414655 0.114015
DA14 5DP 2 2 51.415507 0.115173