all postcodes in DA14 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA14 5NA 6 0 51.421136 0.132078
DA14 5NB 13 0 51.421538 0.129752
DA14 5ND 8 0 51.421615 0.131453
DA14 5NE 30 0 51.422685 0.129489
DA14 5NF 30 0 51.422722 0.130425
DA14 5NG 39 0 51.423921 0.131747
DA14 5NQ 51 0 51.423554 0.132147
DA14 5PA 32 0 51.417499 0.118418
DA14 5PB 24 0 51.417637 0.11874
DA14 5PD 7 0 51.417681 0.118786
DA14 5PE 20 0 51.417527 0.118333
DA14 5RH 3 3 51.418106 0.121135
DA14 5TA 1 1 51.418106 0.121135
DA14 5HH 2 2 51.417026 0.121157
DA14 5AG 7 7 51.419459 0.122377
DA14 5EQ 5 0 51.425128 0.13409
DA14 5JS 44 0 51.416981 0.127656
DA14 5BW 13 0 51.409862 0.142726
DA14 5NL 8 51.411695 0.124577
DA14 5FA 9 0 51.413899 0.118035