all postcodes in DA14 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA14 6PD 3 3 51.428094 0.092826
DA14 6PE 21 0 51.428494 0.092053
DA14 6PF 3 0 51.429012 0.092264
DA14 6PH 4 0 51.429153 0.092429
DA14 6PJ 17 0 51.425365 0.098067
DA14 6PL 18 0 51.427254 0.093493
DA14 6PN 25 0 51.427862 0.088155
DA14 6PP 24 0 51.427845 0.089636
DA14 6PQ 29 0 51.427172 0.095589
DA14 6PR 4 0 51.428271 0.087425
DA14 6PS 33 0 51.425794 0.089139
DA14 6PT 37 0 51.42673 0.08911
DA14 6PU 32 0 51.426458 0.090249
DA14 6PW 43 0 51.427482 0.087792
DA14 6PX 13 0 51.427495 0.089591
DA14 6PY 14 0 51.427438 0.088754
DA14 6PZ 8 0 51.428071 0.089056
DA14 6QE 21 0 51.430054 0.085752
DA14 6QF 18 6 51.430652 0.083463
DA14 6QG 9 0 51.430802 0.082117