all postcodes in DA17 / BELVEDERE

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA17 6DE 0 51.490123 0.154598
DA17 6DF 3 51.491455 0.153565
DA17 6DG 0 51.490224 0.159846
DA17 6DH 0 51.489781 0.157563
DA17 6DJ 0 51.489184 0.157694
DA17 6DL 0 51.489461 0.159277
DA17 6DN 0 51.48886 0.151369
DA17 6DP 0 51.489297 0.153018
DA17 6DQ 2 51.490483 0.161385
DA17 6DR 0 51.488462 0.153021
DA17 6DS 0 51.489557 0.159916
DA17 6DT 0 51.489362 0.161232
DA17 6DU 0 51.48936 0.164271
DA17 6DW 0 51.489299 0.154443
DA17 6DX 0 51.489139 0.162114
DA17 6DY 0 51.490236 0.153336
DA17 6DZ 5 51.490044 0.162287
DA17 6EA 0 51.48872 0.163852
DA17 6EB 0 51.488522 0.164375
DA17 6ED 0 51.48967 0.158163