all postcodes in DA2 / DARTFORD

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA2 7QQ 23 0 51.420332 0.186954
DA2 7QR 10 1 51.421793 0.244734
DA2 7QS 1 0 51.419738 0.246819
DA2 7QT 13 4 51.421926 0.241087
DA2 7QX 2 2 51.423847 0.232808
DA2 7QY 14 8 51.417814 0.244049
DA2 7QZ 2 0 51.419769 0.239643
DA2 7RB 7 2 51.422924 0.230721
DA2 7RD 30 0 51.419493 0.233805
DA2 7RE 6 0 51.421051 0.231321
DA2 7RF 10 1 51.419101 0.232161
DA2 7RG 2 0 51.423032 0.23074
DA2 7RH 6 0 51.419042 0.232906
DA2 7RJ 6 0 51.419382 0.232534
DA2 7RL 12 0 51.420553 0.231958
DA2 7RN 12 1 51.421152 0.231671
DA2 7RP 42 0 51.422342 0.228233
DA2 7RQ 6 0 51.422669 0.230867
DA2 7RR 8 0 51.421989 0.225987
DA2 7RS 10 0 51.42248 0.225708