all postcodes in DA5 / BEXLEY

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA5 2EH 18 0 51.426614 0.166325
DA5 2EJ 9 0 51.425615 0.166378
DA5 2EL 27 0 51.4246 0.164331
DA5 2EN 44 0 51.424258 0.162905
DA5 2EP 9 0 51.42504 0.167329
DA5 2EQ 36 1 51.426292 0.164267
DA5 2ER 17 1 51.42449 0.166397
DA5 2ES 20 1 51.424357 0.16583
DA5 2ET 7 0 51.423501 0.165905
DA5 2EU 4 0 51.423314 0.165335
DA5 2EW 18 0 51.42442 0.16484
DA5 2EX 33 0 51.424222 0.167305
DA5 2EY 25 0 51.423941 0.168845
DA5 2EZ 18 0 51.424402 0.168723
DA5 2HA 42 0 51.425552 0.168778
DA5 2HB 4 0 51.425437 0.167751
DA5 2HE 25 0 51.425454 0.170197
DA5 2HF 8 0 51.425839 0.16836
DA5 2HJ 9 0 51.427769 0.171947
DA5 2HL 6 0 51.430174 0.168349