all postcodes in DA5 / BEXLEY

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA5 3LQ 10 0 51.438387 0.126967
DA5 3LU 12 0 51.440611 0.154411
DA5 3LW 37 0 51.44165 0.129565
DA5 3LX 6 2 51.439871 0.154563
DA5 3LY 20 0 51.439393 0.153145
DA5 3LZ 46 2 51.438956 0.152491
DA5 3NA 44 0 51.437087 0.149914
DA5 3NB 6 0 51.434313 0.145237
DA5 3ND 1 0 51.434556 0.146702
DA5 3NE 1 1 51.438429 0.152291
DA5 3NF 12 0 51.432386 0.146425
DA5 3NH 3 0 51.431657 0.146379
DA5 3NL 17 0 51.441784 0.142911
DA5 3NN 26 0 51.439441 0.132815
DA5 3NP 15 0 51.442658 0.137872
DA5 3NR 11 0 51.441632 0.136486
DA5 3NS 10 0 51.441744 0.137225
DA5 3NT 16 0 51.440653 0.137404
DA5 3NU 8 0 51.440448 0.136315
DA5 3NW 40 1 51.44134 0.140141