all postcodes in DA6 / BEXLEYHEATH

find any address or company within the DA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA6 7LL 3 3 51.456089 0.149957
DA6 7LP 9 1 51.454049 0.147415
DA6 7LR 4 0 51.45452 0.14725
DA6 7LS 20 1 51.454971 0.146177
DA6 7LT 18 0 51.454757 0.144569
DA6 7LU 42 0 51.45397 0.145353
DA6 7LX 4 0 51.453649 0.147641
DA6 7LY 20 0 51.454005 0.148348
DA6 7LZ 20 0 51.453745 0.148768
DA6 7NA 48 0 51.45358 0.149912
DA6 7ND 1 1 51.455182 0.1479
DA6 7NG 1 0 51.463202 0.134729
DA6 7NH 18 0 51.4531 0.144736
DA6 7NJ 23 0 51.452669 0.149595
DA6 7NL 29 0 51.452149 0.145095
DA6 7NN 18 0 51.45275 0.147138
DA6 7NP 24 1 51.449891 0.144154
DA6 7NQ 35 0 51.453336 0.146057
DA6 7NR 21 0 51.44958 0.144902
DA6 7NS 48 0 51.451806 0.147612