all postcodes in DA8 / ERITH

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA8 1NW 0 51.476328 0.149181
DA8 1NX 0 51.484994 0.170359
DA8 1NY 3 51.48417 0.1697
DA8 1NZ 0 51.484709 0.168271
DA8 1PA 0 51.485348 0.167754
DA8 1PB 0 51.485476 0.16812
DA8 1PD 0 51.485482 0.16923
DA8 1PE 0 51.48493 0.169909
DA8 1PF 0 51.482862 0.172359
DA8 1PG 1 51.484733 0.166457
DA8 1PH 0 51.484926 0.169174
DA8 1PJ 0 51.484495 0.16767
DA8 1PL 0 51.483939 0.166621
DA8 1PN 0 51.486034 0.169083
DA8 1PP 4 51.483819 0.165823
DA8 1PQ 1 51.489199 0.170083
DA8 1PS 0 51.483791 0.164382
DA8 1PT 0 51.483422 0.16347
DA8 1PU 1 51.483757 0.162867
DA8 1PW 1 51.483661 0.169993