all postcodes in DD2 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD2 1QR 2 0 56.461146 -3.027184
DD2 1QS 11 0 56.461443 -3.02826
DD2 1QT 10 0 56.4623 -3.027796
DD2 1QU 8 0 56.461936 -3.027316
DD2 1QW 12 0 56.461815 -3.026696
DD2 1QX 9 0 56.462836 -3.027113
DD2 1QY 13 0 56.461537 -3.025487
DD2 1QZ 18 0 56.462063 -3.024998
DD2 1RA 10 0 56.461099 -3.026303
DD2 1RB 13 0 56.460126 -3.029961
DD2 1RD 7 0 56.458716 -3.029825
DD2 1RE 16 0 56.460217 -3.030888
DD2 1RF 15 0 56.45935 -3.031416
DD2 1RG 36 0 56.460389 -2.995435
DD2 1RH 11 0 56.459005 -3.031861
DD2 1RJ 14 0 56.458952 -3.035024
DD2 1RL 5 0 56.458836 -3.033739
DD2 1RN 23 0 56.460787 -2.998464
DD2 1RP 11 0 56.458692 -3.031723
DD2 1RR 25 0 56.460505 -2.99672