all postcodes in DD3 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD3 0LS 6 0 56.494081 -2.977379
DD3 0LT 34 0 56.493423 -2.976485
DD3 0LW 6 0 56.49319 -2.978737
DD3 0LX 28 0 56.493791 -2.978817
DD3 0LY 20 0 56.493626 -2.978131
DD3 0LZ 14 0 56.493562 -2.980533
DD3 0NA 21 0 56.494079 -2.978776
DD3 0NB 4 0 56.493684 -2.981072
DD3 0ND 21 0 56.495274 -2.984508
DD3 0NE 17 1 56.49335 -2.983488
DD3 0NF 16 0 56.493202 -2.983999
DD3 0NG 40 0 56.493131 -2.981626
DD3 0NH 24 0 56.493389 -2.985336
DD3 0NJ 14 0 56.493068 -2.985068
DD3 0NL 9 0 56.492601 -2.985039
DD3 0NN 8 0 56.492755 -2.98709
DD3 0NP 1 0 56.487792 -2.971598
DD3 0NQ 21 0 56.492849 -2.982122
DD3 0NR 7 1 56.494276 -2.974233
DD3 0NU 1 0 56.495027 -2.980522