all postcodes in DD5 / DUNDEE

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Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
DD5 1BL6056.473347-2.887433
DD5 1BN4056.473183-2.886329
DD5 1BP11056.473492-2.885943
DD5 1BQ9056.472419-2.883905
DD5 1BR10056.472979-2.884811
DD5 1BS5256.473961-2.884412
DD5 1BT6056.473261-2.881815
DD5 1BU5056.471878-2.88175
DD5 1BW3156.470506-2.880095
DD5 1BX13056.469455-2.881341
DD5 1BY4056.475675-2.889712
DD5 1BZ28056.472365-2.880203
DD5 1DA36156.471119-2.887414
DD5 1DJ25956.467662-2.876994
DD5 1DN32056.468167-2.880463
DD5 1DP16156.467888-2.880538
DD5 1DQ2056.467543-2.878488
DD5 1DS3156.467451-2.877512
DD5 1DT5256.467314-2.876662
DD5 1DU6156.468661-2.883039