all postcodes in DD5 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD5 4DQ 28 0 56.485849 -2.82006
DD5 4DR 23 0 56.485622 -2.819129
DD5 4DS 31 0 56.484718 -2.821237
DD5 4DT 7 0 56.484828 -2.814111
DD5 4DU 15 1 56.48573 -2.816274
DD5 4DW 7 0 56.486543 -2.814261
DD5 4DX 18 0 56.487429 -2.816083
DD5 4DY 38 0 56.486234 -2.813475
DD5 4DZ 22 0 56.48644 -2.814876
DD5 4EA 13 1 56.484882 -2.812732
DD5 4EB 20 0 56.484741 -2.812339
DD5 4ED 13 0 56.485028 -2.813807
DD5 4EE 6 0 56.48558 -2.811707
DD5 4EF 16 1 56.485975 -2.811862
DD5 4EG 14 1 56.486425 -2.810329
DD5 4EH 21 0 56.485753 -2.810104
DD5 4EJ 3 0 56.486289 -2.809076
DD5 4EN 19 0 56.48616 -2.808277
DD5 4EP 15 1 56.484955 -2.808382
DD5 4EQ 9 0 56.484606 -2.808147