all postcodes in DD5 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD5 1JL 15 0 56.47009 -2.889289
DD5 1JN 42 0 56.471157 -2.889557
DD5 1JP 6 1 56.472463 -2.890306
DD5 1JQ 10 0 56.472162 -2.892243
DD5 1JR 5 0 56.473184 -2.890011
DD5 1JS 10 0 56.472792 -2.892096
DD5 1JT 9 0 56.473109 -2.894197
DD5 1JU 6 0 56.473253 -2.891668
DD5 1JW 48 2 56.472331 -2.888741
DD5 1JX 8 0 56.473829 -2.892867
DD5 1JZ 16 0 56.474614 -2.892349
DD5 1LA 10 0 56.473979 -2.891912
DD5 1LB 18 0 56.474043 -2.890615
DD5 1LD 6 0 56.475141 -2.890251
DD5 1LE 4 0 56.47483 -2.889789
DD5 1LF 26 0 56.47404 -2.888456
DD5 1LG 24 0 56.475925 -2.891146
DD5 1LH 10 0 56.475524 -2.888182
DD5 1LJ 6 0 56.475185 -2.88798
DD5 1LL 7 0 56.471332 -2.905209