all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 3LS 30 5 52.926394 -1.488874
DE1 3LQ 1 1 52.92672 -1.489272
DE1 3LR 13 1 52.927066 -1.486252
DE1 3LT 24 0 52.928511 -1.487752
DE1 3LW 24 0 52.92831 -1.487026
DE1 3LY 9 0 52.928143 -1.487905
DE1 3LZ 14 0 52.927646 -1.487376
DE1 3NA 9 0 52.927993 -1.488502
DE1 3NB 31 0 52.928552 -1.488942
DE1 3ND 19 0 52.928015 -1.489584
DE1 3NE 36 0 52.928574 -1.48989
DE1 3NF 15 11 52.923382 -1.478319
DE1 3NH 3 1 52.923303 -1.478781
DE1 3NL 9 6 52.923216 -1.479333
DE1 3NQ 17 10 52.923202 -1.478321
DE1 3NR 7 5 52.923082 -1.479498
DE1 3NT 8 8 52.923533 -1.479924
DE1 3NU 1 1 52.924214 -1.479503
DE1 3NX 36 0 52.92721 -1.490382
DE1 3NZ 10 2 52.925018 -1.482405