all postcodes in DE11 / SWADLINCOTE

find any address or company within the DE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 0QQ 45 0 52.779684 -1.569957
DE11 0QR 25 0 52.782074 -1.569681
DE11 0QS 23 0 52.782186 -1.570777
DE11 0QT 33 1 52.782833 -1.570726
DE11 0QU 21 0 52.783574 -1.571772
DE11 0QW 4 0 52.780987 -1.570047
DE11 0QX 52 0 52.78116 -1.570624
DE11 0QY 17 0 52.780427 -1.571639
DE11 0QZ 25 0 52.780961 -1.572613
DE11 0RA 12 0 52.781382 -1.572164
DE11 0RB 9 0 52.777213 -1.570396
DE11 0RD 25 0 52.77759 -1.570333
DE11 0RE 28 0 52.780145 -1.565786
DE11 0RF 12 0 52.777433 -1.569015
DE11 0RG 65 1 52.780264 -1.568972
DE11 0RH 28 0 52.782414 -1.576661
DE11 0RJ 11 0 52.780637 -1.572482
DE11 0RL 24 0 52.780423 -1.573063
DE11 0RN 44 0 52.780029 -1.573482
DE11 0RP 39 0 52.77886 -1.573389