all postcodes in DE11 / SWADLINCOTE

find any address or company within the DE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 1BS 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1BW 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1DH 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1DQ 1 0 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1ED 0 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1FB 1 52.774551 -1.557906
DE11 1FG 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1FP 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1FR 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1FY 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1FZ 1 0 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1GA 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1ZZ 1 1 52.77411 -1.560258
DE11 1GD 0 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1GE 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1GF 0 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1GG 0 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 1GJ 1 0 52.774551 -1.557906
DE11 1ZW 1 1 52.774128 -1.560252
DE11 1ZX 1 1 52.774128 -1.560252