all postcodes in DE14 / BURTON-ON-TRENT

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE14 3GH 0 52.789646 -1.659126
DE14 3GJ 0 52.789878 -1.649263
DE14 3GL 0 52.790719 -1.648159
DE14 3GN 0 52.790127 -1.660828
DE14 3GP 1 52.793305 -1.641124
DE14 3GR 0 52.788541 -1.662575
DE14 3GS 0 52.794185 -1.655917
DE14 3GU 0 52.789845 -1.666124
DE14 3GW 0 52.790393 -1.659461
DE14 3GX 0 52.785441 -1.65388
DE14 3GY 0 52.784421 -1.655282
DE14 3GZ 0 52.786674 -1.654078
DE14 3HA 0 52.787432 -1.674134
DE14 3HB 0 52.791955 -1.649632
DE14 3HD 5 52.781859 -1.681233
DE14 3HE 0 52.784859 -1.654463
DE14 3HG 1 52.815751 -1.629183
DE14 3HH 0 52.78438 -1.653755
DE14 3HJ 0 52.785607 -1.652041
DE14 3HN 0 52.785982 -1.654187