all postcodes in DE21 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE21 6FJ 25 0 52.929996 -1.451852
DE21 6FL 40 0 52.928283 -1.448884
DE21 6FN 2 1 52.926229 -1.447731
DE21 6FP 31 0 52.926201 -1.451376
DE21 6FR 6 0 52.929388 -1.450581
DE21 6FT 51 0 52.927174 -1.442353
DE21 6FW 31 3 52.930569 -1.445564
DE21 6FX 44 0 52.930174 -1.445658
DE21 6FY 30 0 52.932893 -1.448543
DE21 6FZ 24 0 52.93268 -1.448914
DE21 6GA 8 0 52.931498 -1.44618
DE21 6GB 33 0 52.932588 -1.446806
DE21 6GD 25 0 52.933521 -1.444399
DE21 6GE 7 0 52.933777 -1.443172
DE21 6GF 10 0 52.93157 -1.45213
DE21 6GG 13 0 52.932434 -1.450304
DE21 6GH 25 0 52.93284 -1.450716
DE21 6GJ 25 0 52.932383 -1.44913
DE21 6GL 64 0 52.931703 -1.449703
DE21 6GN 41 0 52.933265 -1.451305