all postcodes in DE22 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE22 1DH 36 0 52.943936 -1.477257
DE22 1DJ 12 0 52.942338 -1.477723
DE22 1DL 19 0 52.943092 -1.477502
DE22 1DN 18 0 52.94246 -1.476963
DE22 1DP 3 0 52.941958 -1.477311
DE22 1DQ 26 6 52.942595 -1.478907
DE22 1DR 18 0 52.941692 -1.478147
DE22 1DS 6 2 52.941182 -1.478463
DE22 1DT 4 1 52.941924 -1.477576
DE22 1DU 5 0 52.941561 -1.476929
DE22 1DW 17 0 52.941779 -1.477265
DE22 1DX 18 6 52.942099 -1.476532
DE22 1DY 10 0 52.94263 -1.476633
DE22 1DZ 61 54 52.943187 -1.474465
DE22 1EA 8 0 52.946573 -1.482092
DE22 1EB 11 2 52.942567 -1.472631
DE22 1ED 19 0 52.941563 -1.473164
DE22 1EE 56 0 52.943071 -1.481018
DE22 1EF 38 1 52.944561 -1.480252
DE22 1EG 5 0 52.944892 -1.47799