all postcodes in DE22 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE22 1EH 11 0 52.942694 -1.481156
DE22 1EJ 33 0 52.936982 -1.482162
DE22 1EL 30 0 52.937109 -1.482622
DE22 1EN 8 0 52.938744 -1.48223
DE22 1EP 15 0 52.939577 -1.483693
DE22 1EQ 23 0 52.941798 -1.483905
DE22 1ER 31 0 52.944359 -1.483547
DE22 1ES 5 0 52.947275 -1.48214
DE22 1ET 7 0 52.947745 -1.483001
DE22 1EU 61 1 52.948795 -1.482434
DE22 1EW 12 1 52.947817 -1.480734
DE22 1EX 30 0 52.944877 -1.478582
DE22 1EY 21 1 52.945844 -1.479824
DE22 1EZ 17 1 52.948644 -1.478763
DE22 1FB 39 0 52.946425 -1.476989
DE22 1FD 7 0 52.946756 -1.48078
DE22 1FE 13 0 52.943275 -1.48231
DE22 1FF 20 0 52.943593 -1.481145
DE22 1FG 22 0 52.943949 -1.482376
DE22 1FH 23 0 52.944822 -1.482619