all postcodes in DE4 / MATLOCK

find any address or company within the DE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE4 4DB 10 1 53.071931 -1.653676
DE4 4DD 5 0 53.070457 -1.647628
DE4 4PS 1 0 53.068527 -1.63669
DE4 4DE 49 2 53.077235 -1.624406
DE4 4DF 51 0 53.076435 -1.6104
DE4 4DG 17 0 53.072738 -1.57803
DE4 4DH 17 0 53.07737 -1.576238
DE4 4DJ 36 0 53.079234 -1.579534
DE4 4DL 21 0 53.08132 -1.574659
DE4 4DN 6 0 53.081362 -1.573915
DE4 4DP 17 1 53.081716 -1.572433
DE4 4DQ 27 3 53.081447 -1.572511
DE4 4DR 21 9 53.0818 -1.573176
DE4 4DS 40 9 53.080506 -1.57343
DE4 4DU 6 0 53.080516 -1.573699
DE4 4DW 25 1 53.080592 -1.572206
DE4 4DX 1 1 53.078837 -1.571551
DE4 4DY 25 0 53.078563 -1.572912
DE4 4DZ 23 0 53.078673 -1.57361
DE4 4EA 17 0 53.07934 -1.574039