all postcodes in DE4 / MATLOCK

find any address or company within the DE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE4 2FJ 7 0 53.16313 -1.572328
DE4 2FL 3 0 53.164326 -1.574949
DE4 2FN 41 0 53.165225 -1.575134
DE4 2FP 21 0 53.163987 -1.588713
DE4 2FS 31 9 53.165242 -1.595355
DE4 2FT 52 3 53.166835 -1.598812
DE4 2FW 49 0 53.164902 -1.590723
DE4 2FX 63 0 53.163669 -1.590256
DE4 2FY 29 0 53.16581 -1.59604
DE4 2FZ 21 0 53.166168 -1.595378
DE4 2GA 20 0 53.166579 -1.594851
DE4 2GB 22 0 53.166991 -1.594323
DE4 2GD 18 0 53.167358 -1.593736
DE4 2GE 9 0 53.16776 -1.593209
DE4 2GF 14 0 53.16658 -1.597661
DE4 2GG 21 1 53.16655 -1.602031
DE4 2GH 20 0 53.16728 -1.602622
DE4 2GJ 27 0 53.166934 -1.601324
DE4 2GL 17 2 53.164089 -1.602876
DE4 2GN 48 0 53.165008 -1.598111