all postcodes in DE55 / ALFRETON

find any address or company within the DE55 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE55 3NU 19 0 53.094542 -1.343022
DE55 3NW 42 0 53.0966 -1.341273
DE55 3NX 12 0 53.097894 -1.334846
DE55 3NY 16 0 53.096597 -1.339078
DE55 3NZ 38 0 53.095995 -1.339206
DE55 3PA 28 0 53.095726 -1.337687
DE55 3ZD 1 1 53.085396 -1.37226
DE55 3ZP 1 1 53.085396 -1.37226
DE55 3ZU 1 1 53.085415 -1.372257
DE55 3HB 0 53.094507 -1.35137
DE55 3BH 16 0 53.099552 -1.333895
DE55 3DH 19 0 53.098842 -1.346809
DE55 3DL 34 0 53.098053 -1.347314
DE55 3BJ 7 0 53.09854 -1.334612
DE55 3HD 11 0 53.096098 -1.348046