all postcodes in DE55 / ALFRETON

find any address or company within the DE55 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE55 4EU 44 0 53.063666 -1.366666
DE55 4EW 48 4 53.070639 -1.367832
DE55 4EX 52 6 53.072018 -1.370141
DE55 4EY 23 1 53.071959 -1.369291
DE55 4EZ 6 0 53.071626 -1.369087
DE55 4GA 10 0 53.075323 -1.367928
DE55 4GB 29 0 53.075667 -1.366639
DE55 4GD 23 0 53.076095 -1.367708
DE55 4GR 1 1 53.088051 -1.374625
DE55 4HA 41 1 53.079772 -1.371147
DE55 4HB 74 2 53.079194 -1.37235
DE55 4HD 36 5 53.080553 -1.371016
DE55 4HH 2 0 53.081364 -1.369539
DE55 4HL 37 0 53.077073 -1.365619
DE55 4HN 7 0 53.078734 -1.368774
DE55 4HP 7 0 53.077847 -1.369279
DE55 4HQ 16 2 53.085631 -1.374287
DE55 4HS 8 0 53.078833 -1.363592
DE55 4HT 12 1 53.078921 -1.368353
DE55 4HU 18 3 53.078788 -1.366875