all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3NE 0 53.046912 -1.400057
DE5 3NF 0 53.050662 -1.400169
DE5 3NG 0 53.046512 -1.399078
DE5 3NH 0 53.045472 -1.390739
DE5 3NJ 0 53.046181 -1.397606
DE5 3NN 0 53.046609 -1.398629
DE5 3NP 0 53.0456 -1.405475
DE5 3NR 1 53.0475 -1.413265
DE5 3NS 0 53.045908 -1.414898
DE5 3NW 24 53.048444 -1.379536
DE5 3NX 0 53.047505 -1.410714
DE5 3NY 0 53.046654 -1.411367
DE5 3PA 0 53.04662 -1.408041
DE5 3PB 0 53.045743 -1.407024
DE5 3PD 0 53.046586 -1.408415
DE5 3PE 0 53.046436 -1.409088
DE5 3PF 0 53.045064 -1.407943
DE5 3PG 0 53.044551 -1.405937
DE5 3PH 0 53.044468 -1.40734
DE5 3PJ 0 53.043302 -1.407967