all postcodes in DE6 / ASHBOURNE

find any address or company within the DE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE6 1FS 0 53.014543 -1.726027
DE6 1FT 0 53.014819 -1.724714
DE6 1FW 0 53.015477 -1.721371
DE6 1FX 0 53.015083 -1.718254
DE6 1FY 0 53.015415 -1.718267
DE6 1FZ 0 53.01439 -1.72187
DE6 1GA 1 53.015353 -1.726112
DE6 1GB 0 53.014611 -1.720109
DE6 1GD 12 53.016451 -1.730621
DE6 1GE 0 53.015897 -1.728419
DE6 1GF 23 53.016636 -1.733094
DE6 1GG 17 53.017553 -1.733089
DE6 1GH 45 53.017469 -1.731688
DE6 1GJ 0 53.022977 -1.722828
DE6 1GL 0 53.014296 -1.723793
DE6 1GP 22 53.01774 -1.732178
DE6 1GQ 0 53.020446 -1.732639
DE6 1GS 1 53.016942 -1.733361
DE6 1GT 1 53.017059 -1.733151
DE6 1GW 0 53.013809 -1.719652