all postcodes in DE65 / DERBY

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE65 5BD 8 0 52.900848 -1.696848
DE65 5BX 1 1 52.884812 -1.704256
DE65 5BY 1 1 52.884812 -1.704256
DE65 5BZ 1 1 52.88842 -1.698317
DE65 5DA 20 0 52.898813 -1.69542
DE65 5BU 3 3 52.882726 -1.707536
DE65 5DB 8 1 52.898426 -1.67137
DE65 5DD 4 0 52.899322 -1.697498
DE65 5DE 10 0 52.89839 -1.671679
DE65 5DF 10 0 52.899703 -1.695473
DE65 5DG 5 0 52.899144 -1.698331
DE65 5DH 1 0 52.895915 -1.663942
DE65 5DJ 33 8 52.885522 -1.707982
DE65 5DL 48 0 52.883471 -1.722024
DE65 5DN 1 1 52.882094 -1.725361
DE65 5DP 24 0 52.866787 -1.679527
DE65 5DQ 28 0 52.866266 -1.67959
DE65 5DR 25 0 52.865547 -1.679462
DE65 5DS 57 2 52.865643 -1.685328
DE65 5DT 54 1 52.865658 -1.687746