all postcodes in DE7 / HEANOR

find any address or company within the DE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE7 8TS 17 0 52.986913 -1.319019
DE7 8TT 20 0 52.993792 -1.320862
DE7 8TU 1 1 52.968391 -1.308887
DE7 8TY 4 0 52.992366 -1.319857
DE7 8TZ 12 0 52.985147 -1.318183
DE7 8UA 75 0 52.98385 -1.317771
DE7 8UB 37 0 52.985566 -1.320753
DE7 8US 8 0 52.986423 -1.315079
DE7 8UT 12 0 52.984643 -1.31965
DE7 8UU 43 0 52.983951 -1.319691
DE7 8UW 50 0 52.983508 -1.319281
DE7 8UX 26 0 52.982647 -1.319607
DE7 8UY 24 0 52.982646 -1.318014
DE7 8UZ 20 0 52.984806 -1.319946
DE7 8WP 1 1 52.975427 -1.317829
DE7 8XD 1 1 52.975427 -1.317829
DE7 8XJ 1 0 52.975427 -1.317829
DE7 8YA 10 8 52.977241 -1.323501
DE7 8YD 10 0 52.98672 -1.304349
DE7 8YF 9 0 52.982453 -1.315589