all postcodes in DE72 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE72 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE72 3DB 43 3 52.895934 -1.327387
DE72 3DD 41 0 52.895665 -1.322768
DE72 3DE 54 0 52.895699 -1.325652
DE72 3DF 34 0 52.897127 -1.331709
DE72 3DG 32 0 52.897324 -1.330041
DE72 3DH 16 0 52.896817 -1.329306
DE72 3DJ 34 0 52.897967 -1.330805
DE72 3DL 17 0 52.896725 -1.333752
DE72 3DN 16 0 52.896244 -1.333031
DE72 3DP 18 0 52.897353 -1.333534
DE72 3DQ 1 1 52.904293 -1.32541
DE72 3DR 8 0 52.897128 -1.328632
DE72 3DS 13 12 52.895446 -1.328599
DE72 3DT 11 0 52.89642 -1.301009
DE72 3DU 8 5 52.897545 -1.318279
DE72 3DW 14 4 52.897655 -1.317044
DE72 3DX 29 5 52.897051 -1.318302
DE72 3DY 9 0 52.896627 -1.318011
DE72 3DZ 10 0 52.89704 -1.316474
DE72 3EA 41 2 52.898045 -1.31292