all postcodes in DE72 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE72 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE72 3ZD 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE72 3WY 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE72 3TW 10 0 52.917248 -1.309965
DE72 3WT 0 52.914939 -1.465616
DE72 3XE 70 0 52.896341 -1.339124
DE72 3XG 60 0 52.895886 -1.339652
DE72 3YQ 40 0 52.903411 -1.357824
DE72 3WG 11 0 52.904022 -1.374601
DE72 3LR 3 3 52.906462 -1.380498
DE72 3WE 0 52.896254 -1.344507
DE72 3WQ 31 0 52.904905 -1.366619
DE72 3WR 35 0 52.904709 -1.366874
DE72 3WS 2 0 52.905239 -1.368483
DE72 3XF 20 0 52.904763 -1.375314
DE72 3PU 6 0 52.896874 -1.346118
DE72 3PW 0 52.895069 -1.338267
DE72 3XH 10 0 52.895971 -1.310247
DE72 3TS 4 0 52.908349 -1.380304
DE72 3BF 10 0 52.896456 -1.310329
DE72 3UR 15 0 52.910295 -1.381232