all postcodes in DE73 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE73 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE73 6RG 0 52.87485 -1.439245
DE73 6RH 0 52.875111 -1.441238
DE73 6RQ 0 52.87652 -1.442646
DE73 6RJ 0 52.8768 -1.439106
DE73 6RL 0 52.876386 -1.439007
DE73 6RN 0 52.875631 -1.439091
DE73 6RP 0 52.875986 -1.438002
DE73 6RR 0 52.876562 -1.442081
DE73 6RS 0 52.877795 -1.440549
DE73 6RT 0 52.87785 -1.438825
DE73 6RU 2 52.877724 -1.44263
DE73 6RW 0 52.87845 -1.441997
DE73 6RX 0 52.873403 -1.435569
DE73 6RY 0 52.873052 -1.437297
DE73 6RZ 0 52.878165 -1.436845
DE73 6SD 0 52.87431 -1.439094
DE73 6SS 0 52.873434 -1.438258
DE73 6ST 0 52.876962 -1.437351
DE73 6SW 1 52.872983 -1.430523
DE73 6TB 9 52.869683 -1.435944