all postcodes in DE74 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE74 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE74 2FH 0 52.838452 -1.27795
DE74 2FJ 3 52.839357 -1.281943
DE74 2FL 1 52.840802 -1.279959
DE74 2FN 0 52.838823 -1.282768
DE74 2FP 0 52.838674 -1.281652
DE74 2FQ 1 52.840154 -1.276684
DE74 2FR 2 52.840193 -1.272808
DE74 2FS 0 52.841565 -1.266659
DE74 2FT 0 52.839593 -1.273343
DE74 2FW 0 52.839167 -1.272499
DE74 2FX 0 52.838749 -1.274851
DE74 2FY 0 52.837998 -1.275627
DE74 2FZ 0 52.838762 -1.275688
DE74 2GA 0 52.843734 -1.278827
DE74 2GB 0 52.848291 -1.284587
DE74 2GD 0 52.837184 -1.273443
DE74 2GE 7 52.83676 -1.25862
DE74 2GF 1 52.839499 -1.289111
DE74 2GG 0 52.834608 -1.279913
DE74 2GH 0 52.837875 -1.281784