all postcodes in DE74 / DERBY

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE74 2GY 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE74 2TZ 6 6 52.826456 -1.311891
DE74 2AE 3 0 52.816006 -1.330164
DE74 2AH 6 0 52.816058 -1.323487
DE74 2AW 0 52.835486 -1.289904
DE74 2SF 4 0 52.845366 -1.323738
DE74 2UQ 5 0 52.845331 -1.354806
DE74 2AJ 4 0 52.843057 -1.354899
DE74 2AP 78 0 52.843963 -1.352777
DE74 2AU 67 0 52.844012 -1.353489
DE74 2AD 14 0 52.840258 -1.34434
DE74 2AA 26 0 52.841396 -1.284368
DE74 2AG 28 0 52.840506 -1.284596
DE74 2AQ 22 0 52.840726 -1.285092
DE74 2GT 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE74 2AY 48 0 52.838008 -1.289269
DE74 2AZ 42 0 52.838475 -1.289232
DE74 2UA 9 0 52.842638 -1.355418
DE74 2UY 5 0 52.846227 -1.35258
DE74 2UE 0 52.843588 -1.35484