all postcodes in DE7 / HEANOR

find any address or company within the DE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE7 4JF 34 0 52.962723 -1.331756
DE7 4JG 29 0 52.961147 -1.331229
DE7 4JH 31 0 52.961045 -1.330591
DE7 4JJ 38 0 52.959452 -1.330377
DE7 4JL 12 0 52.960212 -1.332866
DE7 4JN 13 0 52.959082 -1.333226
DE7 4JP 30 0 52.958442 -1.333013
DE7 4JQ 31 0 52.959714 -1.332219
DE7 4JR 16 0 52.959765 -1.331667
DE7 4JS 20 0 52.959657 -1.328379
DE7 4JT 32 0 52.96018 -1.32712
DE7 4JU 12 0 52.95963 -1.326876
DE7 4JW 36 0 52.959243 -1.326837
DE7 4JX 35 0 52.960947 -1.321288
DE7 4JY 56 1 52.960559 -1.321026
DE7 4JZ 28 0 52.960506 -1.325939
DE7 4LA 33 0 52.960506 -1.324406
DE7 4LB 8 0 52.96015 -1.325052
DE7 4LD 44 0 52.964696 -1.310465
DE7 4LE 37 0 52.965037 -1.311918