all postcodes in DE7 / HEANOR

find any address or company within the DE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE7 4GF 8 0 52.957762 -1.330373
DE7 4GG 8 0 52.95766 -1.331447
DE7 4GH 14 0 52.957174 -1.332898
DE7 4GJ 30 0 52.955889 -1.33137
DE7 4GL 42 0 52.953533 -1.328072
DE7 4GN 30 0 52.953568 -1.32316
DE7 4GP 16 0 52.955764 -1.329958
DE7 4GQ 30 0 52.955236 -1.32876
DE7 4GR 16 0 52.955747 -1.328499
DE7 4GS 35 0 52.953792 -1.327681
DE7 4GT 30 0 52.954323 -1.324696
DE7 4GU 51 0 52.954884 -1.326935
DE7 4GW 10 0 52.954668 -1.3221
DE7 4GX 26 0 52.954604 -1.32356
DE7 4GY 10 0 52.954797 -1.321056
DE7 4GZ 40 2 52.953703 -1.318335
DE7 4HA 42 0 52.955375 -1.318472
DE7 4HB 12 0 52.954244 -1.317135
DE7 4HD 49 1 52.954587 -1.31588
DE7 4HE 26 0 52.955276 -1.316777