all postcodes in DG1 / DUMFRIES

find any address or company within the DG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DG / Dumfries

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DG1 2NT 1 1 55.068786 -3.612719
DG1 2NU 1 1 55.067399 -3.611536
DG1 2NX 10 9 55.067956 -3.612216
DG1 2PA 18 5 55.068238 -3.611018
DG1 2PB 15 4 55.067927 -3.61146
DG1 2PE 1 1 55.068635 -3.612541
DG1 2PF 1 1 55.067921 -3.611463
DG1 2PH 1 1 55.066749 -3.610413
DG1 2PJ 5 1 55.066457 -3.610777
DG1 2PL 7 3 55.065993 -3.609819
DG1 2PN 9 2 55.066381 -3.609378
DG1 2PP 40 3 55.065386 -3.608135
DG1 2PQ 14 2 55.06772 -3.611721
DG1 2PR 24 6 55.065962 -3.608784
DG1 2PS 34 2 55.065837 -3.607696
DG1 2PW 2 2 55.065885 -3.609799
DG1 2PX 9 2 55.065135 -3.608125
DG1 2PY 6 3 55.064686 -3.606744
DG1 2PZ 40 0 55.064128 -3.6068
DG1 2QB 4 2 55.064158 -3.605893