all postcodes in DG2 / DUMFRIES

find any address or company within the DG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DG / Dumfries

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DG2 9AA 36 3 55.068577 -3.621368
DG2 9AB 3 2 55.068487 -3.620318
DG2 9AE 6 0 55.068419 -3.620002
DG2 9AF 16 8 55.068977 -3.61932
DG2 9AG 48 2 55.070459 -3.620742
DG2 9AL 35 2 55.069925 -3.620987
DG2 9AN 7 4 55.069523 -3.62186
DG2 9AQ 6 6 55.07008 -3.61949
DG2 9AR 10 0 55.068955 -3.620259
DG2 9AS 7 3 55.069164 -3.622472
DG2 9AU 4 0 55.068696 -3.622817
DG2 9AX 1 1 55.068271 -3.627044
DG2 9AY 16 0 55.068775 -3.624339
DG2 9AZ 8 0 55.069438 -3.624491
DG2 9BA 27 1 55.069974 -3.625437
DG2 9BD 6 0 55.069699 -3.625786
DG2 9BE 20 0 55.072832 -3.624707
DG2 9BF 9 8 55.076305 -3.627119
DG2 9BG 5 0 55.071067 -3.627705
DG2 9BH 16 2 55.072505 -3.627012