all postcodes in DG6 / KIRKCUDBRIGHT

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Postcode Area

DG / Dumfries

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DG6 4BG 5 0 54.833962 -4.049908
DG6 4BH 7 1 54.834265 -4.047899
DG6 4BJ 1 1 54.834508 -4.050589
DG6 4BL 4 0 54.831095 -4.050946
DG6 4BN 4 0 54.831126 -4.050683
DG6 4BP 23 0 54.832775 -4.048353
DG6 4BQ 17 0 54.832971 -4.050029
DG6 4BS 20 0 54.830651 -4.049584
DG6 4BT 2 0 54.836856 -4.041968
DG6 4BU 16 0 54.834678 -4.048994
DG6 4BW 4 0 54.831776 -4.05056
DG6 4BX 16 0 54.83529 -4.049005
DG6 4BY 15 0 54.83637 -4.04732
DG6 4BZ 6 0 54.836766 -4.047262
DG6 4DA 12 0 54.837477 -4.045098
DG6 4DE 8 0 54.839221 -4.045607
DG6 4DH 4 3 54.837388 -4.050362
DG6 4DJ 15 8 54.837093 -4.049724
DG6 4DL 5 0 54.834746 -4.055097
DG6 4DN 24 11 54.837534 -4.048636