all postcodes in DH3 / CHESTER LE STREET

find any address or company within the DH3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH3 1LP 4 0 54.898844 -1.575947
DH3 1LR 4 1 54.897869 -1.577731
DH3 1LS 4 2 54.898275 -1.577762
DH3 1LT 3 0 54.89886 -1.578036
DH3 1LU 8 6 54.900155 -1.57858
DH3 1LW 18 0 54.899643 -1.575736
DH3 1LX 10 0 54.899343 -1.577376
DH3 1LY 2 2 54.900168 -1.577083
DH3 1LZ 29 0 54.901004 -1.577078
DH3 1NA 16 0 54.901489 -1.57673
DH3 1NB 8 0 54.900932 -1.574241
DH3 1ND 14 0 54.901553 -1.574531
DH3 1NE 15 0 54.901838 -1.576336
DH3 1NF 35 0 54.904015 -1.577047
DH3 1NG 41 0 54.903834 -1.576596
DH3 1NH 19 0 54.905116 -1.575928
DH3 1NJ 28 0 54.903011 -1.575295
DH3 1NL 24 0 54.904892 -1.576164
DH3 1NN 24 0 54.902825 -1.575983
DH3 1NP 15 0 54.902363 -1.574881