all postcodes in DH3 / CHESTER LE STREET

find any address or company within the DH3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH3 2BD 7 2 54.880825 -1.575544
DH3 2BE 16 0 54.880133 -1.575551
DH3 2BH 1 1 54.879422 -1.575434
DH3 2BJ 26 0 54.877564 -1.575983
DH3 2BL 16 0 54.880935 -1.57121
DH3 2BQ 7 7 54.879356 -1.577149
DH3 2DA 1 1 54.881421 -1.579169
DH3 2DD 12 0 54.883718 -1.575591
DH3 2DE 16 2 54.882469 -1.575448
DH3 2DF 28 0 54.881833 -1.573616
DH3 2DG 20 0 54.882199 -1.57277
DH3 2DH 17 0 54.883164 -1.57117
DH3 2DJ 14 2 54.884253 -1.571767
DH3 2DN 14 0 54.882996 -1.569551
DH3 2DP 16 0 54.885194 -1.57104
DH3 2DQ 9 2 54.882384 -1.571662
DH3 2DR 32 0 54.885396 -1.569541
DH3 2DS 16 0 54.885551 -1.567887
DH3 2DT 16 0 54.885487 -1.567467
DH3 2DU 48 0 54.883769 -1.574655