all postcodes in DH3 / CHESTER LE STREET

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Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH3 4EH 3 0 54.827018 -1.571672
DH3 4EJ 4 1 54.82797 -1.561482
DH3 4EN 4 0 54.818811 -1.563433
DH3 4EP 4 0 54.825717 -1.535637
DH3 4EQ 3 0 54.825053 -1.577514
DH3 4ER 3 0 54.837409 -1.535705
DH3 4ES 1 0 54.838148 -1.52922
DH3 4EU 1 0 54.836634 -1.559255
DH3 4EW 2 0 54.819688 -1.540605
DH3 4EX 2 0 54.843449 -1.548044
DH3 4EY 2 0 54.848508 -1.545449
DH3 4HA 12 0 54.847791 -1.541021
DH3 4HB 8 0 54.847624 -1.539731
DH3 4HD 5 0 54.847613 -1.53903
DH3 4HE 5 1 54.850251 -1.535667
DH3 4HF 17 0 54.846549 -1.531331
DH3 4HG 1 1 54.852168 -1.55812
DH3 4HH 14 0 54.838324 -1.547061
DH3 4HL 24 0 54.839408 -1.548606
DH3 4HN 27 0 54.837279 -1.548723