all postcodes in DH5 / HOUGHTON LE SPRING

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Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH5 9DQ 53 0 54.822854 -1.448294
DH5 9DR 31 0 54.823014 -1.447825
DH5 9DS 11 0 54.824018 -1.44736
DH5 9DT 11 0 54.82458 -1.446387
DH5 9DU 10 0 54.82459 -1.446683
DH5 9DW 6 0 54.822648 -1.446476
DH5 9DX 31 0 54.824539 -1.447415
DH5 9DY 30 10 54.825072 -1.447981
DH5 9DZ 32 8 54.825029 -1.448308
DH5 9EA 1 0 54.828159 -1.448857
DH5 9EE 26 0 54.826855 -1.446667
DH5 9EF 26 0 54.827839 -1.447712
DH5 9EH 5 0 54.825832 -1.449032
DH5 9EJ 49 0 54.823384 -1.450154
DH5 9EL 40 0 54.823574 -1.450588
DH5 9EP 18 0 54.82405 -1.450472
DH5 9EQ 15 3 54.825414 -1.45008
DH5 9ES 28 0 54.823662 -1.452065
DH5 9ET 20 0 54.824725 -1.452595
DH5 9EU 27 0 54.825062 -1.451626