all postcodes in DN15 / SCUNTHORPE

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Postcode Area

DN / Doncaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DN15 5RZ 1 1 53.581479 -0.655556
DN15 5SZ 1 1 53.581479 -0.655556
DN15 5AA 1 1 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5BX 1 0 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5SY 1 0 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5BY 1 1 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5EZ 1 1 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5DB 1 1 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5DG 1 0 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5DP 1 0 53.585903 -0.654589
DN15 5DQ 1 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5DR 1 0 53.585882 -0.654585
DN15 5ZZ 1 1 53.585978 -0.654325
DN15 5DX 1 1 53.585903 -0.654589
DN15 5DY 1 0 53.585903 -0.654589
DN15 5FB 1 1 53.585903 -0.654589
DN15 5FD 1 1 53.585903 -0.654589
DN15 5FE 1 1 53.585903 -0.654589
DN15 6AD 1 1 53.594022 -0.648691
DN15 6AF 15 15 53.595333 -0.645903