all postcodes in DN18 / BARTON-UPON-HUMBER

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Postcode Area

DN / Doncaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DN18 5QN 55 1 53.687375 -0.438905
DN18 5QP 31 3 53.685901 -0.439656
DN18 5QQ 46 0 53.687466 -0.440401
DN18 5QR 7 0 53.685547 -0.43864
DN18 5QT 12 0 53.686192 -0.438479
DN18 5QX 9 0 53.683488 -0.451753
DN18 5QY 7 0 53.683117 -0.452978
DN18 5QZ 7 0 53.683658 -0.452413
DN18 5RA 37 0 53.687819 -0.43162
DN18 5RB 3 1 53.692899 -0.432355
DN18 5RD 3 1 53.696771 -0.426712
DN18 5RF 4 1 53.695926 -0.452281
DN18 5RG 8 4 53.693227 -0.470313
DN18 5RH 6 0 53.684206 -0.47758
DN18 5SG 1 0 53.672419 -0.471011
DN18 5RJ 3 1 53.675888 -0.461136
DN18 5RN 8 4 53.688436 -0.424524
DN18 5RP 27 15 53.688375 -0.427389
DN18 5RQ 11 0 53.686711 -0.462659
DN18 5RS 2 2 53.688527 -0.423133