all postcodes in DN36 / GRIMSBY

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Postcode Area

DN / Doncaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DN36 5UB 9 0 53.465086 0.058025
DN36 5UD 2 0 53.468163 0.071909
DN36 5UE 5 1 53.477621 0.072948
DN36 5UF 4 0 53.480562 0.062475
DN36 5UP 46 4 53.487583 0.031478
DN36 5UR 4 0 53.488734 0.030448
DN36 5UT 37 0 53.482957 0.031836
DN36 5UU 3 3 53.494124 0.060124
DN36 5UW 40 1 53.499571 0.021165
DN36 5UX 14 0 53.48161 0.028079
DN36 5XU 4 4 53.501339 0.060368
DN36 5UY 6 0 53.480262 0.029561
DN36 5UZ 18 1 53.495264 0.049792
DN36 5XB 7 0 53.503577 0.04677
DN36 5XD 2 0 53.480612 0.03012
DN36 5XE 37 0 53.501276 0.057705
DN36 5XF 30 0 53.496952 0.057728
DN36 5XG 10 0 53.49962 0.057806
DN36 5XH 19 0 53.497553 0.057766
DN36 5XJ 37 0 53.498708 0.05807