all postcodes in DT10 / STURMINSTER NEWTON

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT10 1BB 23 4 50.926948 -2.304392
DT10 1BD 15 6 50.927435 -2.302876
DT10 1BE 16 0 50.92779 -2.301355
DT10 1BG 5 0 50.927945 -2.300489
DT10 1BH 31 1 50.927796 -2.298965
DT10 1BJ 38 0 50.930499 -2.296862
DT10 1BL 47 0 50.933029 -2.295911
DT10 1BN 54 1 50.926294 -2.302527
DT10 1BP 41 0 50.931637 -2.298421
DT10 1BQ 23 1 50.92866 -2.298757
DT10 1BS 17 0 50.928884 -2.299185
DT10 1BU 25 1 50.926068 -2.306651
DT10 1BX 2 0 50.925721 -2.309278
DT10 1BY 10 0 50.925459 -2.306274
DT10 1BZ 20 2 50.924432 -2.306413
DT10 1DA 20 0 50.932842 -2.302171
DT10 1DB 32 3 50.925255 -2.304341
DT10 1DD 9 0 50.925803 -2.301158
DT10 1DE 26 1 50.925592 -2.303472
DT10 1DF 13 0 50.924607 -2.301434