all postcodes in DT11 / BLANDFORD FORUM

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT11 8DF 9 0 50.939313 -2.063453
DT11 8DG 4 0 50.942456 -2.070261
DT11 8DH 13 0 50.931183 -2.045555
DT11 8DL 3 0 50.929577 -2.035365
DT11 8DN 7 2 50.922355 -2.037565
DT11 8DQ 15 0 50.939217 -2.073216
DT11 8DS 3 0 50.91224 -2.240291
DT11 8DT 7 0 50.915329 -2.238315
DT11 8DU 4 0 50.910636 -2.246086
DT11 8DX 6 0 50.91382 -2.237141
DT11 8DY 22 0 50.911248 -2.241495
DT11 8DZ 35 0 50.912191 -2.242439
DT11 8FH 1 0 50.911879 -2.240986
DT11 8EA 32 0 50.912872 -2.238986
DT11 8EB 6 0 50.910728 -2.240809
DT11 8ED 20 3 50.913605 -2.237026
DT11 8EE 3 0 50.913715 -2.231408
DT11 8EF 14 2 50.914948 -2.235497
DT11 8EG 3 0 50.915128 -2.235469
DT11 8EH 33 1 50.912428 -2.236395