all postcodes in DT2 / DORCHESTER

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT2 7BA 0 50.851706 -2.518751
DT2 7BB 4 50.862264 -2.49987
DT2 7BD 0 50.854158 -2.508918
DT2 7BE 1 50.838177 -2.525601
DT2 7BG 1 50.840792 -2.545557
DT2 7BH 0 50.8453 -2.435899
DT2 7BJ 0 50.835471 -2.431192
DT2 7BL 1 50.836417 -2.433033
DT2 7BN 0 50.838208 -2.437325
DT2 7BP 0 50.842363 -2.439807
DT2 7BS 1 50.843188 -2.445069
DT2 7BT 4 50.842081 -2.447857
DT2 7BU 0 50.845105 -2.447048
DT2 7BW 0 50.838703 -2.437428
DT2 7BX 0 50.846131 -2.444359
DT2 7BY 1 50.846114 -2.439472
DT2 7BZ 0 50.845396 -2.436497
DT2 7BQ 0 50.845789 -2.437495
DT2 7DA 1 50.844246 -2.436245
DT2 7DB 0 50.848961 -2.445167