all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 5BG 33 0 50.637666 -2.466387
DT3 5BJ 4 4 50.63325 -2.459539
DT3 5BL 9 0 50.638341 -2.470819
DT3 5BN 21 0 50.640399 -2.47125
DT3 5BP 10 0 50.644866 -2.471762
DT3 5BQ 13 0 50.635866 -2.4647
DT3 5BS 11 0 50.645202 -2.471072
DT3 5BT 19 1 50.647771 -2.47172
DT3 5BU 2 0 50.647537 -2.471333
DT3 5BW 22 0 50.642466 -2.471426
DT3 5BX 24 0 50.649245 -2.471548
DT3 5BY 4 1 50.648932 -2.471121
DT3 5BZ 21 1 50.651966 -2.470715
DT3 5DA 14 0 50.629867 -2.464754
DT3 5DB 5 0 50.650599 -2.470617
DT3 5DD 9 0 50.652183 -2.470222
DT3 5DE 3 0 50.648894 -2.471873
DT3 5DF 15 0 50.643721 -2.472172
DT3 5DG 13 0 50.644484 -2.470199
DT3 5DH 7 0 50.645896 -2.472903